My coworkers are bitches!
Since I work in an office, I work with mostly women. Women who dont know how to speak to you in the morning when you arrive. It’s too hard to say ‘GOOD MORNING’. You dont have to ask me how my night was or what I had for dinner or what I watched on TV the night before, all that is required is 2 simple words, but for most of the bitches in here, that is not happening. I gave up on speaking to most of them a long time ago. Of course we have the ass kissers, who make sure they always speak to the boss & let the boss know how much work they did & they want more work to do. I just want to get thru my day & get the hell out of here & get my damn check!!!
Try to imagine what your coworkers might write about the situation.
There’s this coworker I have who sails in each morning and acts as if we must all drop what we’re doing to acknowledge that they graced us with their presence. It’s insufferably arrogant, so we just ignore them. It’s not like they’re even committed to their work – they’re obviously just out to be seen and collect a paycheck. Nobody knows what this person ever does around here, and they never take on more work. No point in getting friendly, because they won’t be here long.
That’s not the place for you and that kind of behavior is telling you that. For example, Jen is the typical dead end job worker. They’re the do-nothing, be-nothing, have-nothings of the world that are miserable. They don’t understand that it’s common decency to acknowledge people when they speak to you. No offense, but it’s usually low class riff-raff types. They know you CAN find another job if you want and don’t like you. It’s not personal; you’re just not their kind and that’s why they’re still at that job and you’ll move on to better things.