Retail Reality

Sometimes, it is more than one person that is the problem. And because the world thrives off of threats of unemployment and lawsuits, even the worst of the worst get to keep their menial jobs…
To you, person A: Your store is closing for a reason! Stop pretending it’s because you were so amazing and everyone around you is to blame. You don’t pay attention to your boss who knows what she’s talking about. You need to stop having your sister and daughter and boyfriend call you long-distance and tie up the phone line for an hour every week. Oh, and did we mention, we don’t care about your stupid ex-husband. We don’t care about your new boyfriend. You had an affair and want a pity party? No. Just stop.
To person B: You are not in charge. That’s why, after 7+ years of employment, you’re still a peon. No title, just a paycheck. Stop stealing from the company- you know you do, and eventually you’ll get caught. Thank god for paper trails you’re too stupid to think about. You’re a gossip wh*re who tries to make everyone else’s lives worse by making things up. No one likes you. We’re not joking when we tell you this. So stop laughing… Oh, and stop showing everyone your tattoo- no one wants to see 50 year old boobs flung about on the sales floor.
To person C: No one likes you. You are lazy. You do nothing but sit on a chair and complain about how much work you have to do, that surprisingly never gets done. Get off your cell phone. Your boyfriend does not belong in the store after we close- he does not need to help you with the deposit, either. That’s how people get robbed. Oh, and just because your mommy dearest is your boss does not mean you can’t lose your job.
Person D: it is not polite to hiss at customers while calling them “wicked wiccan.” Religion is not meant to be flaunted and lectured in the workplace. You’re a bitch to customers. You’re a bitch to your co-workers. Oh, and you use too much hairspray. The 80’s are gone. Let it go…

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