Too hot? Too cold?

What is with the continuous pendulum swings in office temperature? University standards call for a setting of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Why then was it 77 two days ago?!?! Worse, why does one co-worker INSIST it is cold??? She goes so far as to put on a shivering act, don a heavy winter jacket, AND have other co-workers feel her hands to prove she is cold. Once (last summer) she even pranced around in pajamas with feet and declared, “Turn up the AC, I can handle it now.” So finally (after months and months of this) I lose my cool and tell her to knock off the complaining. I say, “How can you possibly be cold when it is almost 80 degrees in here?” So then she runs back to my supervisor, who tells me it is all in my head and that she was just saying she was cold. It was not meant to be offensive. Uh, okay, prancing around in pajamas and moaning and groaning every day are not offensive?
Oh, say, what about that cartoon by Randy Glasbergen conveniently left by the thermostat…the one with a cannon pointed at the “hot” person with the line, “The cold people have declared war on the hot people.” Of course Ms. Ice Cube had nothing to do with it. Sure, it is “all in my head” alright.

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