The post-doc in my lab

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I’d like to think that I try to be liked but sometimes I do get frustrated with the incompetence of people who are supposed to be my superiors but in fact are idiots. This PhD student in my lab is doing a full-time PhD AND a full-time job ($70,000/year) at the same time. You tell me how it’s possible to do all your research and all the paperwork a mental hospital requires in 8 hours a day. This along with checking his $150,000 in stocks every hour, talking to his mommy on the phone everyday before lunch AND getting rides from her FROM and TO work. HE IS 28!!!!! Ugh, so needless to say, I lost respect very fast.
The actual problem, however, is that I think he’s been talking to a post-doc I actually respect. The post-doc’s attitude toward me has changed considerable and he starting to treat me like I can’t do anything right. I just want them both to suffer. But I’m just a Master’s student, what can I do? Ugh, this is extremely irritating to me.

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