Category: Coworker

Evil Little Troll 0

Evil Little Troll

Sharon is a manipulative, lying, whining, vindictive, passive-aggressive evil little troll. She intentionally provokes people to a reaction and then plays victim. She is an abusive, controlling, insane person. She excuses her behavior under...

Passive aggressive 0

Passive aggressive

Amanda is the nastiest person I have ever had worked with. She is extremely selfish and self serving predator at work. She stole ideas and hard working credits from deserving individuals. She manipulated the...

Manchild 1


I like to keep my work life and private life separate, and this manchild keeps trying to interject himself into my life. I just want to be left alone, and he keeps trying to...

The Road To Hell 0

The Road To Hell

I hate so many things about my job that I’m not even sure where to begin. I am a female in a management position, with experience, and make significantly less than male coworkers in...