Category: work

Fatghanistan 0


*this post is brought to you by Jar Sergeant* There’s a reason we have standards in the military. Especially in a wartime environment here in Afghanistan. I work with these fat bastards that get...

Teacher 0


teaching in school sucks big time. my co workers are back stabbing loosers who are going to be stuck in the same ru for ever..thank god i am thinking of a new career.maybe organised...

Twillight, BITE ME already! 0

Twillight, BITE ME already!

Would you please stop with the Eddie, Jakkie thing already! I am sick to death of this constant analyzing of the books and the movie! Β Only Siskel and Ebert can do that, and at...

Dealing with Stupid People Everyday 0

Dealing with Stupid People Everyday

I hate my job because of the stupidity I am subjected to on a daily basis. People I work with can’t form more than one line emails or figure out basic problems. Yet, they...