Why are you so quiet?

I am not talkative. Less so when I don’t really like my job or the people in it. I have this coworker from another department who keeps commenting on how quiet I am. Yesterday the moron asked if I wanted to be a mime when I grew up, and laughed about how amazingly mean they are. I ignored it, but it took everything in me not to ask if they wanted be a dick when they grew up.

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4 Responses

  1. LM says:

    OMG you should’ve said it!! Maybe then the asshole would’ve gotten the hint & shut the hell up!
    I am like you, I don’t talk when I am surrounded by MFers I dislike, which is most of the ones I have to work with sadly….

  2. Anonymous says:

    You def should’ve said it but like you, I know I wouldn’t. I am quiet too and people have made stupid comments on it too.

    I’m sorry you have to go through that. People are so stupid.

  3. madamezahn says:

    Report this moron to your manager or to HR. This is disrespect in the work place.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I used to be very talkative & demonstrative. Now I am quiet as a mouse. If I open my mouth I will get fired because I will just blurt out how stupid everyone is & how much I hate them. I so relate.

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