Why are you so quiet?
I am not talkative. Less so when I don’t really like my job or the people in it. I have this coworker from another department who keeps commenting on how quiet I am. Yesterday the moron asked if I wanted to be a mime when I grew up, and laughed about how amazingly mean they are. I ignored it, but it took everything in me not to ask if they wanted be a dick when they grew up.
OMG you should’ve said it!! Maybe then the asshole would’ve gotten the hint & shut the hell up!
I am like you, I don’t talk when I am surrounded by MFers I dislike, which is most of the ones I have to work with sadly….
You def should’ve said it but like you, I know I wouldn’t. I am quiet too and people have made stupid comments on it too.
I’m sorry you have to go through that. People are so stupid.
Report this moron to your manager or to HR. This is disrespect in the work place.
I used to be very talkative & demonstrative. Now I am quiet as a mouse. If I open my mouth I will get fired because I will just blurt out how stupid everyone is & how much I hate them. I so relate.