Sleeping on the job
Yep. He just puts his head down and takes a nap. We work with dialysis patients. This is not out of site in a break room. It’s on the clinic floor. Right in front of the patients he is responsible for.
Yep. He just puts his head down and takes a nap. We work with dialysis patients. This is not out of site in a break room. It’s on the clinic floor. Right in front of the patients he is responsible for.
I don’t really know what else to say, honestly. In reality they are all women in their late 40s and only one of them is technically my boss but we all kinda work together and the three Senior Managers just go at it like high school mean girls. Basically there are 3 teams(and 3 correlating Read more about I Work For High School Girls[…]
Well, it’s not an actual insane asylum, but you wouldn’t know that if you could observe what goes on at my job. I’m one of the few people at my job who takes work seriously. I get praised for my work, but unfortunately, management turns a blind eye to the laziness and stupidity of everyone Read more about I WORK IN A NUTHOUSE![…]
This idiot I work with I will just call J is the most annoying person I have ever fucking met. Here is a simple list of shit he does.