Category: Coworker

Pathetic Loser 0

Pathetic Loser

A temp started in my department a few months ago and I was assigned to help her get on board. I checked in on her the first two days and I couldn’t tell her...

Blaming me for their mistakes 1

Blaming me for their mistakes

I really can’t deal with their attitudes anymore. I’m the youngest at my work, so they think it’s smart to give me the most responsibilities at work. I just started last summer and have...

Freaks out on me for no reason! 0

Freaks out on me for no reason!

My coworker today freaked out because she didn’t want to take the time to learn how to do a new task. This task requires concentration so it can be confusing when trying to learn...

Grow Up 1

Grow Up

I hate my 50 something year old bully coworker. She is rude, aggressive, judgmental, her flip flops make annoying sound when she walks, she has the worst case of resting bitch face ever, and...